Sunday 1 August 2010

variasi hidup


BISMIKA NAHYA. ya ALLAH, izinkan aku mencuba.

If it is not because of muallimah norlida, i might not wrote this entry in this kind of verse. But, if i'm not giving myself a chance, i cant be a professional and fluent speaker. heh!

so, today, i'm going to write on life variation.

last friday, i've organised one programme specially for my+nadiatul hani's usrah and mlmh faridah+ukhti amirah's usrah. from 15 participants, only 10 had gave their fully commitment by joining this program patiently, i guess s0o.

At first, i didn't confident with myself to get through the whole programme because i had to give my commitment on the 2 other things: decorating the school hall and the perbaq-t and boja's selling project . but when i remembered what ALLAH have said in his HOLY QUR'AN, where the meaning is: WE HAVE PLANNED, AND SO ALLAH. BUT ALLAH IS THE BEST IN PLANNING SOMETHING!, and the other verse, he have said that(also meaning): "not give up with ALLAH's bless because only the KUFFAR are give up to ALLAH's bless", i make myself strong!

i do make a variation in the tentative where i've put : demo on cooking, fiqih wanita's discussion and survey on hijab as a big program. A very special thanks to our beloved teacher: Muallimah Faridah for teaching us how to cook asam pedas in a right way. in addition, muallimah had teach us how to siang the fish. hehehe. lastly, we had make a very delicious asam pedas successfully. woW!

on saturday, we've done a survey on hijab at plaza metro. there are 6 six questions. the participant were split themselves into 4 small groups where only 2/3 of us in one group. The facy were split too for keeping their eye onto all participants. more than 50 people had been surveyed by us and they got special ramadhan gifts from us.

from the survey, what can i conclude summarily is people's faith on wearing a hijab is not clear. but i releave as they still wear the hijab although they are not utderstand the actual reason 100%. bersaksilah! sesungguhnya saya berdoa kepada ALLAH agar mereka terus diberi hidayah!

s0o, by telling the readers about the program.. what is the significant to the title of this post?

saya kena mulakan variasi ke atas hidup saya. Rasulullah telah mulakan sewaku diMekah. dan baginda ditentang! Mereka yang sebelum ini telah lakukan variasi ke atas hidup!.. aku? kalau aku masih nak berharap orang lain yang mulakan.. nanti ALLAH akan persoalkan di akhirat kelak.


aku x akan takut dgn kehadiran bendasing2.. kerana aku percaya dengan kehebatan serta janji ALLAH yang Maha Benar, juga kehadiran SINERGI!

aku dah x tahan melihat kawan2 yang mula tidak bertudung! sampai bila aku nak capai tahap yg paling lemah yang dimaksudkan dalam hadeeth 13? iaitu dengan membenci melalui hati!

aku dah terlalu lama membungkamkan diri. dan x boleh terus duduk.

aku akan cuba dan cuba dan terus mencuba. natijahnya, itu urusan ALLAH.

semakin lama, semakin banyak tanggungjawab kita. perasan x? bila usrah dan org2 sekeliling bertukar, bermakna tanggungjawab kita juga bertambah. tapi kalau kita teruskan hidup dgn buat tak tahu saja. maka dosa akan terus bertambah tanpa belas kasihan kepada kita kerana kita tidak sedikitpun tidak belas kasihan terhadap orang-orang sekeliling kita dengan cara membantu mereka.

ayuhlah.. kita fikir2kan.. bukan kah ALLAH seringkali mengulang2 pertanyaan: apakah kamu tidak beraqal dalam kitabnya, AL-QUR'AN?

sampai bila kawan2 kita nak tunggu? sampai hari qiyamat.. di mana pada hari tu dah terlambat utk kita bertaubat? nauzubillahi min zaalik!

maaf. mungkin agar berserabut sikit post kali ni sbb fikir banyak benda.

p/s: esok hari isnin. puasa yuk!

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